Author: jill
•9:34 AM
I happened upon a Starfrit Salad Spinner a few weeks ago, and was flooded with memories. I could hear a little voice squealing with delight ... "Bin! ... Sin! ... Pin! ... Spin!!!"

Who gets teary-eyed over a salad spinner?

There was a time when I had a salad spinner. It was NOT fancy, at all; but it worked. Until Caiden found it. He had a fascination with all things that spun.

"Bin!" he would shout with excitement, as the item twirled around. He was about eighteen months, and I was pregnant with Marnie. Some days, when Mommy was especially tired, we would sit for an hour (or maybe two ... but don't tell anyone) and spin tops. Caiden wanted to learn how to do it, and he learns by watching; so, I spun tops. Caiden observed, beaming with excitement, and shouting ... "Sin!!" He toddled around the table , gathering the tops as they landed on the floor and delivered them back to me for another try. "Again. Again sin." We "sinned and pinned" until eventually he learned to do it himself and I developed tendonitis in my wrist.

It was during the spin phase, that my salad spinner was destroyed. And, I forgot about having one until recently ... when we got all healthy and became avid salad-eaters once again.

I have always loved to eat salad, but I do not love to make salad. Ordering a large dinner-size salad at a restaurant is a huge treat for me, especially if it has a homemade dressing. And, it doesn't have to be fancy with lots of stuff in it ... just fresh with some kind of crunch. But never fruit. Ever.

I love my Salad Spinner because there is nothing worse than dripping wet lettuce to start a salad. And, the spinner is a super easy way to fix that problem. Plus, you can spin a whole bunch of lettuce at one time and put the extra away for tomorrow.

The Starfrit Salad Spinner collapses for easy storage ... which is great for all those avid chefs out there who have lots of gadgets, like me. And, the bowl could be used as a serving dish as well. I love it ... it has almost made making a salad fun again. I'm sure this will wear off, but until then ... it's salads for everyone!

In reading this back to myself, parts of my post almost read like an advertisement. Ha! When I find something that I really love or that I think might make someone else's life easier, I like to share. And when you are trying to post every day for an entire month, sometimes you just need to talk about the stuff you like. So try a salad spinner ... I don't care what kind you get. But get one, and then you, too, can have salads all the time.

And, if you find a good recipe for a dressing, let me know!
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