Author: jill
•11:17 AM
As I am sure you can imagine, I have read many, many children's books. More than one hundred in one year, for sure. And, occasionally, I come across one that I love so much I want to tell the world about it.

Caiden brought home The Boy Who Loved Words by Roni Schotter from the school library this week. He also brought it home when he was in Senior Kindergarten; so, there must me something about the book that attracts him. It is the story of a little boy, named Selig, who loves words ... their sound, their meaning, their taste. And he writes them on little pieces of paper so that he can remember them. He is different from the other children and, of course, he is teased. Little Selig becomes embarrassed by his hobby and obsession. As he grows a little older, Selig comes to embrace his talent and love of words, finding a way to make them useful. And, thus, a way to make himself feel useful.

The vocabulary used in the story is great ... even I learned a couple new ones. My favourite is tintinnabulating, which means making a sound like bells. I love words that describe a sound ... crinkle, scrunch, mellifluous, giggle. Do you have a favourite word? In conversation, apparently I use the word "apparently" a great deal because Caiden now uses it. That is one of the hallmarks of great parenting ... when your kids start to talk like you. Apparently, it's true; because I hear myself saying the same things my mother used to say. Apparently.

The Boy Who Loved Words is a wonderful story about staying true to yourself and finding pride in your talent, even if it makes you different from others. So, if you have a young friend, who has a special gift that makes him/her unique, consider this book for a gift. S/he is not alone.

Little Selig so reminds me of my Caiden, and so it interests me that he is attracted to this story, too. And when he finds a use for all his special talents, look out world ... 'cause there will be no stopping him!
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On February 22, 2010 at 3:00 PM , Mom said...

What a pleasure to read about our "buddy boy" ---- glad he and the girls love stories as much as their Mom. Miss you all very, very much!