•10:17 PM
I feel as though I have been neglecting my beloved blog recently. But it has not been out of disinterest. It has been because of life and choices.
Two weeks ago, I came down with a throat infection and it knocked me out. It was great for reading, but that was about all I accomplished. I was rendered helpless for a week ... but then I had to make up for so selfishly being sick. Laundry had piled into a mountain, the house looked like a place where there was a shortage of mothers, like a rental house full of universityboys students. And I wish I could tell you that I had been off jet-setting to important meetings out of town, or lounging on the beach somewhere very hot. But no ... instead, I had just been sitting in the big brown chair reading and trying to stay awake. So now, I have been stuck doing what any good wife and mother would do ... picking away at it all, as tolerated. While still trying to read one hundred books in one year.
But I have also been doing something else. After all the reading I have done on food and health, I decided it was time to make some changes and go back to what I knew was right. Right for me, that is. And I have been inspired by Jonesy, who has made some radical changes in his diet, all in the name of his Bucket Quest. He has brought some of the old familiar things back into the house ... things that I use to enjoy eating. If you want to see what he has been up to, click here.
I decided to give up all sugar, including fruit, as well as all dairy and wheat products - just for a couple of weeks to cleanse my body a little bit; in the hopes that this old thing would jumpstart itself and feel healthy again, restoring some of the long-lost energy that disappeared about the time baby number three was conceived.
So, this means that since Monday, February 8th I have not eaten any bread, pasta, (my beloved) muffins, sugary treats, or the chocolate Valentine cupcakes I made for the kids' classes or cheesy pizza. Those are the obvious things. But, I cannot consume purchased salad dressings, mayonnaise, dill pickles - honestly, the list goes on and on. I have been surviving on salad, eggs and a little chicken, vegetables and brown rice. Oh, and Kamut cereal with Vanilla RiceDream. By the way, RiceDream is really good; especially on cereal. My kids love it and actually ask for it. I could never drink a glass of cold rice milk, or soy milk for that matter. But drinking a glass of milk at supper has kinda gone to by the wayside, hasn't it?
Anyhow, I have become a little irritable ... shocking as that may seem. If you find this hard to believe, you can ask anyone in my family. They will confirm this as fact for you ... undoubtedly. Actually, as your body withdraws from refined sugar, it tries to maintain the intake by creating strong cravings. So, as it turns out I am not just a momoholic, but a sugar-o-holic, as well. I thought I would crave my favourites, like Skittles or licorice or warm (from the oven) chocolate chip cookies; but I don't. I want a submarine sandwich of all things; and I want it really bad. With an icy cold, fizzy Coke. One reason that this is so difficult is that once you feel hungry ... it's too late. There is nothing that you can just grab, that is quick to eat. You have to chop, peel, shred, or saute before you can eat; and when you are starving, unable to think clearly, you just want to stuff something in your mouth to make the beast in your stomach shut the f*** up. Now, do you feel the pain of living with me?
Last night, after a little nervous breakdown, I decided to bake muffins ... without sugar. I wanted to see what they would be like. I used a favourite recipe for Oatmeal Raisin Muffins that is a staple in our house; and I substituted Spelt for Whole Wheat Flour, and omitted the raisins and brown sugar.
As soon as the oven beeped, I ran over to open the door and inspect my creation. They looked like my regular muffins, and the definitely smelled like my muffins.
"Mmmm ... those smell like good muffins for me," Addie C. commented.
"Oh, no ..." I said. "Those are special muffins only for mommies."
I was not going to share these ... the only thing I could eat that did not require any further prep work in order to consume it. Unless, of course, they were disgusting; in which case, Addie C. would be welcome to help herself.
As it turned out, Addie C. did get to try one ... but not because they were repulsive. It was because they were so good that I wanted to enlighten my whole family. And, as an added bonus, these little muffins probably saved my life ... and my sanity ... and my marriage. They taste like a plain biscuit, I guess; but with a little butter, they rock my world. A lot! Marnie tried one too, with butter and a little honey drizzled on top and she ate the whole thing ... loving it. Try it sometime ... take your favourite muffin recipe, and omit the sugar; then use a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten it at the table ... it's much healthier than refined sugar.
This brings me to another thought ... which will lead to another thought. Don't worry ... this happens all the time. Eventually, I will stop typing. In the last couple of weeks, it has become increasingly apparent that children are willing to try new things. Especially if their parents are eating them too. They innately enjoy healthy foods. For instance, Jonesy brought home dried (organic) apricots, which are one of the best sources for iron, and are extremely healthful. I made a plate with an assortment of dried apricots, and big plump organic raisins, as well as (new to us) green raisins, and just placed it on the table one night at supper time. I didn't say a word about the plate, but they were all eager to get their hands on the new treats. All three kids tried the dried fruit and loved it ... especially the apricots. Remember ... nature's candy? It's true and kids really do like it; there are lots of different dried fruits out there. The same thing happens with a new/different vegetable ... they always want to try it. They might not always like it, but at least they have tried.
I have just learned how to sprout seeds in mason jars ... so we now have fresh sprouts at our house all the time. The kids, especially Caiden, have taken great interest in watching the sprouts come to life from little seeds. Give your children the opportunity to try different things ... you'll be surprised.
Two weeks ago, I came down with a throat infection and it knocked me out. It was great for reading, but that was about all I accomplished. I was rendered helpless for a week ... but then I had to make up for so selfishly being sick. Laundry had piled into a mountain, the house looked like a place where there was a shortage of mothers, like a rental house full of university
But I have also been doing something else. After all the reading I have done on food and health, I decided it was time to make some changes and go back to what I knew was right. Right for me, that is. And I have been inspired by Jonesy, who has made some radical changes in his diet, all in the name of his Bucket Quest. He has brought some of the old familiar things back into the house ... things that I use to enjoy eating. If you want to see what he has been up to, click here.
I decided to give up all sugar, including fruit, as well as all dairy and wheat products - just for a couple of weeks to cleanse my body a little bit; in the hopes that this old thing would jumpstart itself and feel healthy again, restoring some of the long-lost energy that disappeared about the time baby number three was conceived.
So, this means that since Monday, February 8th I have not eaten any bread, pasta, (my beloved) muffins, sugary treats, or the chocolate Valentine cupcakes I made for the kids' classes or cheesy pizza. Those are the obvious things. But, I cannot consume purchased salad dressings, mayonnaise, dill pickles - honestly, the list goes on and on. I have been surviving on salad, eggs and a little chicken, vegetables and brown rice. Oh, and Kamut cereal with Vanilla RiceDream. By the way, RiceDream is really good; especially on cereal. My kids love it and actually ask for it. I could never drink a glass of cold rice milk, or soy milk for that matter. But drinking a glass of milk at supper has kinda gone to by the wayside, hasn't it?
Anyhow, I have become a little irritable ... shocking as that may seem. If you find this hard to believe, you can ask anyone in my family. They will confirm this as fact for you ... undoubtedly. Actually, as your body withdraws from refined sugar, it tries to maintain the intake by creating strong cravings. So, as it turns out I am not just a momoholic, but a sugar-o-holic, as well. I thought I would crave my favourites, like Skittles or licorice or warm (from the oven) chocolate chip cookies; but I don't. I want a submarine sandwich of all things; and I want it really bad. With an icy cold, fizzy Coke. One reason that this is so difficult is that once you feel hungry ... it's too late. There is nothing that you can just grab, that is quick to eat. You have to chop, peel, shred, or saute before you can eat; and when you are starving, unable to think clearly, you just want to stuff something in your mouth to make the beast in your stomach shut the f*** up. Now, do you feel the pain of living with me?
Last night, after a little nervous breakdown, I decided to bake muffins ... without sugar. I wanted to see what they would be like. I used a favourite recipe for Oatmeal Raisin Muffins that is a staple in our house; and I substituted Spelt for Whole Wheat Flour, and omitted the raisins and brown sugar.
As soon as the oven beeped, I ran over to open the door and inspect my creation. They looked like my regular muffins, and the definitely smelled like my muffins.
"Mmmm ... those smell like good muffins for me," Addie C. commented.
"Oh, no ..." I said. "Those are special muffins only for mommies."
I was not going to share these ... the only thing I could eat that did not require any further prep work in order to consume it. Unless, of course, they were disgusting; in which case, Addie C. would be welcome to help herself.
As it turned out, Addie C. did get to try one ... but not because they were repulsive. It was because they were so good that I wanted to enlighten my whole family. And, as an added bonus, these little muffins probably saved my life ... and my sanity ... and my marriage. They taste like a plain biscuit, I guess; but with a little butter, they rock my world. A lot! Marnie tried one too, with butter and a little honey drizzled on top and she ate the whole thing ... loving it. Try it sometime ... take your favourite muffin recipe, and omit the sugar; then use a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten it at the table ... it's much healthier than refined sugar.

I have just learned how to sprout seeds in mason jars ... so we now have fresh sprouts at our house all the time. The kids, especially Caiden, have taken great interest in watching the sprouts come to life from little seeds. Give your children the opportunity to try different things ... you'll be surprised.
Guess where we got all these new things to try? In the most unlikely of places .... The Bulkbarn. I thought The Bulkbarn was mostly an assortment of candy and chips - snacky foods. I have friends who would go there before a movie and fill bags with candy to sneak into the theatre. Turns out, there is a whole lot more than that! There were so many things to choose from, my head was spinning. They have alternative flours ... like Kamut and spelt and oat; they even have something called coconut flour. Don't you love coconut? As soon as I'm done with this whole "no sugar" thing, you can bet your last dollar there will be cookies with some coconut flour made at my house. We have to be very careful because Caiden is allergic to walnuts and peanuts (known, for sure) ... so for years there have been no nuts allowed in our home. However, you cannot eat a raw diet (see above, the Bucket Quest) without consuming some nuts; so, Jonesy has devised a system for storing nuts ... away from everything else. And what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right? I mean, I don't have any allergies to food; so, when the kids all go to bed - Jonesy and I - we sneak nuts ... like we're doing something dirty and to be ashamed of, or something. When we are finished, I clean the counters frantically and wash my hands until they are raw and then wipe down every single thing that I may have touched or looked at. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? But the nuts are worth it ... Anyway, go to The Bulkbarn - apparently it is a health food store in disguise.
Wow ... I guess I'm feeling better 'cause I got my "chat" back. I am hopeful that the "healing crisis" has passed and I will just continue to feel better and better. Then I can blog and blog and blog again. And the shift in thinking has begun because I had one half of a spaghetti squash for my lunch today. Who eats spaghetti squash for lunch?
I have actually been reading and will have my next discussion up soon. Random Family ... so good. Cannot wait to tell you about it!
I have actually been reading and will have my next discussion up soon. Random Family ... so good. Cannot wait to tell you about it!
Oh ... no. There may be a set back to my shift in thinking. I have just learned that I will have to confront the very thing that I want to eat more than anything. It's Jonesy's night to cook for the family. And, guess what? He just left to pick the kids up a submarine for supper tonight ... that's what.