Author: jill
•12:34 PM
You know you're old when ... It's the beginning of many jokes, but this is for real. I had an eyelash in my eye, but I couldn't see it - to remove it - because my glasses were getting in the way. So I had to take them off. Then I just couldn't see. This is how my day started. From there my morning just continued on in the same manner it began.

"Stop goofin' around. We should have been in the car eleven minutes ago."

As a parent, can't you hear yourself saying the same thing over and over again? Don't answer that, it was rhetorical.  But, it wasn't me who said these words, it was my (almost) eight-year-old son. This is the same little boy, who last year at this time, would have been having a full-out panic attack because he had to spend the next six hours with "that woman." Now this little boy is anxious to get there and impatient with his mother's goofiness. Warms my heart, and I know he was actually enjoying my early morning singing and dancing because he spit the words out with the faintest little smirk across his lips.

On a completely different note, I found the best picture to illustrate what I was writing about the other day. I wrote about the power of the media to decide. To decide what they investigate, what to make interesting, what details to reveal. (Click on the image to see it in its entirety)

I don't think I need to say any more. I hope it makes you think and question everything you see, understanding their power.

On a much lighter note my morning did improve because after I dropped my kiddies off at school, I made my way over to Chapters. I picked up a couple of things from my list. I am a girl who needs immediate gratification. Get your mind out of the gutter ... I mean, I cannot wait for books to arrive in the mailbox. I have done it, and it is a great day when you pop over to pick up the bills mail, and they are there waiting. Instantly turns the day around for me. But I enjoy looking around and touching the books and being drawn in by the marketing. For instance, I picked up the cutest little notepads made by a company called, ecojot. I just love the designs and would like to have one of everything!! They are a company based out of Scarborough ... gotta love supporting a Canadian-based eco-friendly company! I love little notepads and journals and agendas ... oh my!!

I bought And the Band Played On (#86 on The List) today ... it is ... intimidating is the only word I can come up. It is 605 pages long, it has an index at the back and a dermatis personae (whatever that is) at the beginning. I saw the movie a few years ago, so I am familiar with the story. And the one other little problem is that it is printed in very small type ... which brings me back to my problem of being old ... or feeling old. You know you are old when ... you keep talking about all the things that are deteriorating on your body. Promise - no more on that subject!

Meanwhile, still working on The DaVinci Code ... so love this book. Trying not to get caught up in the details. Discussion coming soon....
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On January 7, 2010 at 6:08 PM , ecojotter said...

thank you for the ecojot BLOG LOVE!!!! happy ecojotting!