Author: jill
•1:17 PM
Sometimes knowledge and skills in the culinary field come in handy at the strangest times. Like, in the shower.

The other day, I was taking a shower and Addie C. Jones was waiting her turn. She is not a child who likes to sit idly, nor is she particularly patient. She gets the impatient part from her Dad ... at least that's the story I'm going with. So, Addie C.  decided to do some cooking and baking from her make-shift kitchen - you might know it as a Jacuzzi tub. Both my girls have enjoyed using my Jacuzzi tub as a play centre ... sometimes they pretend they have a store, other times it is a kitchen, still other times it is a school.

Today it will be a kitchen, culinary home to Addie C. Jones, chef extraordinnaire.

"Mommy, how do you make apple pie? You tell me the gredients and the structions, okay?" Addie C. says as I am stepping in the shower. I agree, telling myself it would be an easy way to ensure I knew where she was.

"First, you must make the pie dough," I begin. "Mix together some flour and some vegetable shortening with a very small amount of water."

"Mix, mix, mix," she sings. "Okay, I'm done. Now, can I roll it?"

"Yes, that's right," I tell her, feeling a little excited that she has taken notice of what happens in the kitchen. I cannot help myself ... I peeked around the shower curtain. She has pulled down the rod used to open and close the window blinds, and she is using it as a rolling pin on her imaginary dough. I smile, and appreciate her resourcefulness as well as the fact that the dough is, in fact, imaginary.

"Now what?" Addie C. wants to know.

"Well, you need to peel and chop some apples," I instruct her.

"Peel, peel, peel. Chop, chop, chop," she sings. "Choppin's done. Now what is next."

"Mix in some sugar, a little flour, and some cinnamon."

"What was the last thing, Mommy?" she asks. "I couldn't hear you."


"Oh, yes. I do love cin-min, don't I?" she comments. "Would you call me a cin-min girl?"

"Yes, you are definitely a cinnamon girl."

"Now, what do I do?" she asks.

"Pour the apple mixture into the pie dough. You put the pie dough into a baking pan, right?" I ask.

"A course," she replies. I hate getting attitude from four-year-olds. "Now, can I put it in the oben?"

"Yes, into the oven for about one hour," I explain, thinking that all bathroom cooking had come to an end.

"Ding!" Addie C. announces in her best oven-timer voice. "The pie is all ready. Can we make something else now?"

"Sure, what would like to make?" I ask, considering there was still lots of time until her turn in the shower. Who knew a whole pie could be prepared and baked in approximately one minute thirty seconds?

"How about ... soup!" she says.

"Excellent, because I love soup," I tell her. "What kind should we make?"

"Ummmmm ..." she thinks out loud. "I think tomato, celery and lemon."

For a brief moment, I felt like I was on the Food Network show, Chopped, where the chef contestants are given three or four "gredients" that do not easily go together and they must concoct a meal ... an appetizer, a main, and a dessert. They are given things like salmon filets, oatmeal, dill pickles and strawberries ... okay, now make a yummy main course dish.

I've got tomatoes, celery and lemons to work with. Not bad, but since she's got the method down, perhaps it is time to work a little on how foods compliment one another. There is always tomorrow's shower ...
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On April 19, 2010 at 1:58 PM , Mom said...

That little doll is so-o-o clever. You'd better keep your eye on her before she truly takes over your kitchen!!