•9:32 AM
Last night, while preparing supper, I spied a little piece of heaven. Nope, not cheesecake. The i-Pod. So, I boogied while I prepared meatballs. But the minute I put the i-Pod on, it attracts children. There was a parade of children with annoying questions; and each time, I have to turn off the song I am so enjoying. To listen to the annoying question.
"Mommy, do you know where the yellow crayon is?" Addie asks.
Marnie wants to know if she can put her pyjamas on before supper.
"Hey, want to play a couple levels of Mario with me?" Caiden wants to know.
No idea ... of course, I'm never opposed to pyjamas at any time of the day ... can't, or we won't get to have supper tonight ... These are my answers. But the thing is ... did these questions really need to be asked?
Do you have an i-Pod? The day that Jonesy walked into our house with an i-Pod, my life changed. It was about a year ago and it is just a little i-Pod Shuffle.
"Oh ... it's so cute," I said. "How many songs can you put on that thing?"
"Two hundred and fifty," Jonesy told me. Wow ... I figured that would be about all the songs I know. Don't forget, I'm a momoholic, so the majority of the music I have listened to for the last eight years revolved around Sesame Street or theme songs to TV shows like, Dora the Explorer or Handy Manny. And, I'll admit that I sing the Handy Manny song while chopping vegies because I know you do, too.
For the first three years of Caiden's life, he listened to nothing but classical music, like Beethoven and Bach, and our personal favourite, Mozart. Marnie also benefited from some classical music as an infant because Caiden loved it so much; but if given the choice she would always ask Daddy to turn up (loud) anything funky and dance-worthy. Addison has listened to a wide variety of music, none of it classical. I think Hannah Montana's Ice Cream Freeze is among the favourites at present.
I had forgotten what it was like to listen to music that I enjoy, just for fun. Not long after it entered the house, Jonesy insisted that I give our new little music maker a try while I was making supper one night. It was great. And do you know why it was great? Because I could not hear the children ... that I love so much. There was no screaming, there was no fighting, there was no whining! It was just music and in a strange way, it was quiet.
So, this became an escape, of sorts, for me. I could be off duty because I could not hear to respond. And everyone in the house knew when I was off duty because of the horrifying singing that accompanies this short break from motherhood ... or so I'm told. Between you and I, I don't think it's really that bad ... I've heard worse.
Do you know that my children are jealous of the i-Pod? I have been accused of loving the i-Pod more than a particular six-year-old little girl. I have been accused of not wanting to play Mario because I would rather listen to my i-Pod. Imagine being jealous of a machine. And, the reason they are jealous is because they do not have my undivided attention. I think it was the first time I had not been at their beck and call ... and they did not like it one bit. They like me better as a momoholic ... they are enablers.
So, jealousy is the reason the parade of questions began last night as soon as the i-Pod was turned on. I took it off in a fit of frustration and the minute I did, the parade ended. But as I was putting the spaghetti in the pot, I heard ...
Now, that is music to a Mommy's ears.
"Mommy, do you know where the yellow crayon is?" Addie asks.
Marnie wants to know if she can put her pyjamas on before supper.
"Hey, want to play a couple levels of Mario with me?" Caiden wants to know.
No idea ... of course, I'm never opposed to pyjamas at any time of the day ... can't, or we won't get to have supper tonight ... These are my answers. But the thing is ... did these questions really need to be asked?
Do you have an i-Pod? The day that Jonesy walked into our house with an i-Pod, my life changed. It was about a year ago and it is just a little i-Pod Shuffle.
"Oh ... it's so cute," I said. "How many songs can you put on that thing?"
"Two hundred and fifty," Jonesy told me. Wow ... I figured that would be about all the songs I know. Don't forget, I'm a momoholic, so the majority of the music I have listened to for the last eight years revolved around Sesame Street or theme songs to TV shows like, Dora the Explorer or Handy Manny. And, I'll admit that I sing the Handy Manny song while chopping vegies because I know you do, too.
For the first three years of Caiden's life, he listened to nothing but classical music, like Beethoven and Bach, and our personal favourite, Mozart. Marnie also benefited from some classical music as an infant because Caiden loved it so much; but if given the choice she would always ask Daddy to turn up (loud) anything funky and dance-worthy. Addison has listened to a wide variety of music, none of it classical. I think Hannah Montana's Ice Cream Freeze is among the favourites at present.
I had forgotten what it was like to listen to music that I enjoy, just for fun. Not long after it entered the house, Jonesy insisted that I give our new little music maker a try while I was making supper one night. It was great. And do you know why it was great? Because I could not hear the children ... that I love so much. There was no screaming, there was no fighting, there was no whining! It was just music and in a strange way, it was quiet.
So, this became an escape, of sorts, for me. I could be off duty because I could not hear to respond. And everyone in the house knew when I was off duty because of the horrifying singing that accompanies this short break from motherhood ... or so I'm told. Between you and I, I don't think it's really that bad ... I've heard worse.
Do you know that my children are jealous of the i-Pod? I have been accused of loving the i-Pod more than a particular six-year-old little girl. I have been accused of not wanting to play Mario because I would rather listen to my i-Pod. Imagine being jealous of a machine. And, the reason they are jealous is because they do not have my undivided attention. I think it was the first time I had not been at their beck and call ... and they did not like it one bit. They like me better as a momoholic ... they are enablers.
I see the same happening with book and blogging. The minute I open a book, someone appears with a question or problem.

"Dude, guess what Mommy's makin' for supper? Our favourite ... spaghetti and meatballs. Yeah!!"
Now, that is music to a Mommy's ears.